Important Indicator #2: Funniness-to-Length of story

A short story that’s mildly funny is much funnier than a long story that is mildly funny.
Note: funny / interesting can be interchanged.
Why are knock-knock jokes so funny?  Well they may not be THAT funny, but the fact that they’re short makes them more tolerable.  However, a funny story, told over a long period of time, rapidly loses its appeal.  This is where the Funny-ness to Length of story index (F2LOSi) comes in.

Description of the Indicator:
The F2LOSi measures the relationship between how funny a story is and the length of that story.  Understanding this metric requires an honest self-assesment of how good someone is at telling stories, and also how good they are at picking stories in the context of a conversation.  Funny-ness is measured on a global scale, where the story, as a whole, is evaluated for how funny it is.  Stories with an extraordinary punch line, fare better than stories with a constant trickle of funny-ness as punch line can actually make a long story funnier than a long story with an even does of funny.  Time, well… that’s quite simple… It’s minutes, or seconds, or “short” vs. “long”.

How to read it:
Quite linearly, if you don’t start with a very good story, you have little time to make it to the end.  For really funny stories, there is a chance that the story can remain long, however at a certain point (this changes for every story), the story becomes unfunny quite rapidly.
Thanks Jim… The F2LOSi on that one was quite low…
Stop interrupting me.  The F2LOSi on this story is gradually getting worse.
1 – F2LOSi is rarely perceived on high and moderate values, but is almost always noticed on low values.
2 – F2LOSi can only be measured after the fact by others, or during the telling of the story by the narrator.