We’ve all come across it more than once… That project where the client wants something yesterday, that is better than anything before, and is cheaper than anything out there… That’s the Fast-Good-Cheap paradigm.
Continue reading Important Indicator #3: Fast-Good-Cheap →
A short story that’s mildly funny is much funnier than a long story that is mildly funny.
Note: funny / interesting can be interchanged.
Why are knock-knock jokes so funny? Well they may not be THAT funny, but the fact that they’re short makes them more tolerable. However, a funny story, told over a long period of time, rapidly loses its appeal. This is where the Funny-ness to Length of story index (F2LOSi) comes in.
Continue reading Important Indicator #2: Funniness-to-Length of story →
We’ve all come across it… BS… you’re frantically working a project deadline, and suddenly a wrench is thrown in… Someone’s interpersonal issues with another person, unnecessary red-tape or bureaucracy, inadequate equipment for the job. Basically BS…
Continue reading Important Indicator #1: BS-to-Productivity Ratio →
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